This year we are really happy to be helping support mASCot, a parent led local support network for families who care for a young person with Autism, bringing families together and enabling them to connect with others in similar situations to themselves. mASCot is always available, there are many opportunities for families to learn, socialise, access therapies and to take part in activities that are all specially geared for those living with ASC. It is all about celebrating wonderful diverse families and allowing children to be themselves whilst learning the skills they need to grow and thrive in the world.

We are asking you to keep this brilliant charity in mind and if you love fundraising, please consider helping them so they can keep providing the support and activities that are a lifeline to so many children and their carers. They receive no government funding and rely entirely on fundraisers and donations to keep going, and thanks to Sam and her team doing this solely out of love 100% of all donations to mASCot goes directly toward their projects and to supporting families!

If you could help by maybe holding a coffee morning, or a bake sale, a girls night in (get the girls round for a social and donate the amount you would have spent going out) a garage sale, an office collection, a sweepstake at work (guess the number of sweets in a jar type thing) or run an office tuck shop for a week, or maybe a sponsored event: a run, a walk, a silence, a hair shave, a beard shave! maybe even a pancake race! or simply asking your employer about their ‘Matched Giving’ scheme, there’s lots of ways you can raise a little and EVERYTHING goes to helping to provide the children with some of the amazing activities like the ones you can see below…

Thanks for your time, and if you would like to do an event please do let us know and we will gladly sponsor you!

You can contact mASCot by using any of these links:

For information:

To make a donation:

To email: