20160512_150455The Carers Centre, is a charity that is passionate about looking after Carers in Brighton and Hove. The Carers Centre offers different kinds of services working with and supporting young and adult carers in the city. Chris Lau, the Director of the Chairty was presented with a cheque for £480 to support their many activities.

The cheque was presented by Richard Whittle of Bungard & Sons Limited, Brighton & Hove’s oldest independent family funeral directors.  The business was founded in 1906 by Richard’s great, great grandfather and has become a cornerstone of Hove for over 110 years.

Richard was delighted to receive in return a card created by the children at the Centre and said “We chose the Carer’s Centre to be our charity of the year because we have found a lot of crossover with the families that we help and support. Many people do not realise they have been carer’s for years and it is important to help make people aware and that their is support for them out there. With all this they truly benefit the local community and that is something we want to support.”

To find out more and to help support a local charity go to http://www.thecarerscentre.org/