Bungard Funerals and Coronavirus

Funerals and Coronavirus/ COVID-19 At the present time, we’re arranging funerals as we would normally, but we’re aware that the situation with coronavirus/COVID-19 is changing rapidly. As we tread into unchartered territory, we want to reassure you that we are...

Guest Blog – Garry Allsop – Allsops CTF Ltd

We have asked our longest serving suppliers to write a guest blog for us. Like many industries there are companies that never get recognised for the work they do. We would not be able to provide the service we do without the reliability and flexibility we receive from...

Meet the Celebrant – Linda Hodgson

Our next Civil Celebrant we would like you to meet is the very lovely Linda Hodgson   Celebrating Life with stories told from the heart… Every time I go to meet a family, I go with an open mind and an open heart.  I am conscious that I am entering their lives at...